The best dog food for Yorkies is one that is high in protein, fat, and calories. However, most dogs do very well with just two meals a day, especially Yorkies, who have a quick metabolism and high propensity for low blood sugar. This being the case, you might want to just keep your dog’s food bowl half filled at all times to make sure that he never gets hungry. Here are some tips for choosing the best food for your pet:

Look for a protein blend: Some companies are better than others at creating a healthy protein blend that your pet can enjoy. Look for a blend that contains meat, chicken, fish, tofu, or even beans. Remember that this food should still contain the protein that your pet needs, just in smaller portions. Some people actually like to see their dog get less protein, so look for a protein blend that has a little bit of extra protein to help it meet the daily nutrition requirement of your pet.

Choose food that is low in fat and cholesterol: Since Yorkies tend to have intestinal problems due to their small anal glands (perfect for an upset stomach), make sure that the food you give them has healthy digestion by also adding foods with healthy digestion ingredients. A good food to choose that has healthy digestion by also includes food with probiotics and prebiotics. These are ingredients that are beneficial for healthy digestion by promoting healthy bacteria in the system that can prevent stomach acid from producing after a meal.

Choose dry kibble over wet kibble: Even though the moisture of a wet kibble is necessary for optimal digestive health, dry kibble is better for your dog’s health overall because it is easier for him to digest. If you feed your Yorkie dry kibble, be sure to alternate it with moist food every day. You may need to experiment a bit to find the best way to mix the two foods together, but the goal is to make it as easy for your Yorkie to eat as possible.

Avoid foods that contain wheat or corn as much as possible: Although these are commonly found in some premium kibble brands, they can cause your dog digestive problems. Foods that contain wheat or corn can be hard for dogs to digest, so try to avoid them as much as possible. Instead, choose kibble that contains rice, peas, or oats instead. Although they don’t contain grains, these types of foods provide an excellent source of protein for your Yorkie.

Some dog food companies: have started manufacturing food products that are specifically formulated for allergy sufferers. They are made from ingredients that are not only safe for your Yorkie, but also for humans. You should check the ingredient list and look for pet-safe ingredients before purchasing any food product for your dog. This will help you avoid giving your dog something that could be harmful to his health.

If you notice any ingredients that you are unsure about, check with a veterinarian or the company manufacturing the product.