A Running On Empty review can be extremely helpful in teaching you how to train for and complete a marathon. I first saw the review and thought “what the heck is that?” But then I read the review and realized that it really made sense. Not only is it good advice but it’s also a great book to read if you’re going to start running on empty this year!

Running On Empty is a training manual written by Rob Poulos – owner of Total Gym. Rob has been running for over 10 years and was always frustrated with how his workouts kept going so quickly and sometimes not at all. His solution was running on empty for 30 minutes per day. I’m not sure why he recommends running on empty; maybe it helps you become more resistant to stress, or maybe it helps you force yourself to push yourself beyond your comfort zone.

What I do know is that Rob Poulos’ book is full of great information – There are charts, photos, videos, and even an audio version of the book! There is also a bonus section that talks about what foods you should be eating before running. There are also some great sections that detail what equipment you need to get started running (I recommend the MP3 files).

In my opinion, the running on empty review – is great because it gives runners an everyday plan to follow that they can follow for a lifetime! You have to remember that running is a lifestyle choice and if you can force yourself to change your lifestyle and really commit to it, you will achieve your goals faster than you would without the plan. This book helps you to achieve those goals while teaching you about nutrition and workouts. I also really liked the line “there’s no such thing as a stupid question.”

Another nice aspect of the book is that it provides a wealth of knowledge – that is relevant whether you’re running for fitness or just want to enjoy a fun run in the park. The authors have managed to incorporate a lot of practical information into an enjoyable and motivating read. If you’re already running but have been doing it for awhile and feel a little overwhelmed by your current training routine, this book may provide a nice balance of helpful info and entertainment. On the flipside, if you’re new to running or trying to figure out what to do next, you’ll find a lot of helpful information in this book that can help you easily get on track with your running.

Overall, the running on empty diet review can be summed up with this saying – if you’re tired of consistently getting passed by at race times, whether it’s marathons, ultras, trails or road races, you might want to look into this book.

It’s definitely worth a read! If you’re already running, I highly recommend it. It could change your running experience forever!