A low calorie diabetic diet is a medically supervised low calorie diet which involves eating much less than the amount that is recommended as a daily minimum. People on these diets often are deemed to be on a weight loss program and may also need to avoid certain foods because of their high sugar content. This article looks at some of the foods that are particularly bad for diabetics.

  • Candies are a good source of carbohydrates, especially in the candy section. However, they are a poor source of nutrition and should be eaten in small amounts. The sugar in many of them is very high, leading to potential weight loss problems. It is also usually difficult for diabetics to break down their food so the snacks should not be counted as part of your weight loss plan. If you do eat candy, try to use your own judgment and limit the number of calories by placing them in a sealed container instead of eating the entire candy bar.
  • Pastas are one of the best things that you can eat for your weight loss plan. However, they are also among the worst low-calorie foods. When pasta is served, it is often served with a lot of butter or mayonnaise, both of which are bad for diabetics. They can also lead to constipation. For this reason, it is usually best to eat a whole-grain version of pasta.
  • Lean meat, especially chicken breast, is another excellent source of protein. However, chicken breast is also very high in calories, especially if it is lean white meat. It is best to choose chicken breast that is low in fat, and instead focus on adding more vegetables to your diet. Chicken breast is great if you like your meat as is, but if you want it to have a more subtle flavor, try looking for a chicken breast that has been lightly marinated and then grilled. This will help you reduce your calorie intake without sacrificing your taste.

The most popular low-calorie choices are yogurts. While there is generally no bad news with yogurt, many people who are struggling to lose weight find that they simply do not feel good while consuming it. Fortunately, there are many ways to modify yogurt so that it does not contain too many calories. For example, some yogurt brands contain only natural sugars, whereas others contain no sugar at all. Adding a few key ingredients such as garlic and Greek yogurt to your diet will not only make it taste better, but it will also make it less likely that you will consume unhealthy foods.

In addition to the low calorie foods above, it is important to make sure that you are getting plenty of protein. Without protein, your body will struggle to maintain your weight loss. Therefore, eating fish and poultry (such as chicken and turkey) in addition to lean cuts of beef will help you reach your goals. Similarly, a diet that is composed primarily of low calorie, high protein options will help you shed pounds.